Friday, September 8, 2017

Week of September 8th: Classroom Update

Happy Friday to all of our families!
I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend. The kids seemed to have enjoyed the short break. Here are some updates from our classroom this week:

Reading: In reading we have been focusing on summarizing. This may help with writing summaries for reading homework. We will focus on it again next week. The method we have been using is: Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then to write the summary. It seems to make the concept easier to understand for the students.

Writing: We have continued working on our narrative planning sheets. Students have chosen a topic to write about and hopefully we will begin focusing on each individual part of the essay beginning next week.

Social Studies: The states and capitals have been a hit for the kids in my room! It seems like they are enjoying the challenge that comes with learning all of them. I hope the scores continue to be as great as they have been so far! In the end, there will be a quiz over all of the states and capitals, but students will have more than a week to study for that quiz. If your student wants to retake this week's quiz, I will offer time for that on Monday.

Science: We talked about germs and viruses this week. The students were intrigued by the complexity of it. We also talked a little bit about the metric system in comparison to the U.S. Standard Measurement system, as this paralleled with our math. If you have time this weekend, talk with your student about different measurement units!

Math: In math, we have been doing a lot of unit conversions. In class the students have been able to refer to their reference books. We have also been talking about different ways to find the volume of a 3-D shape. The students have enjoyed some of the interactive, hands-on activities we have experienced during this unit. Our tentative testing date for unit one will be around September 20-21. Please make sure your student is confident in the content as the study guides, homework, and practice pages come home! Thank you for your support!

As always, please let me know if there are any questions or concerns with any part of your child's education!

~Mary Sanders
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Important Dates:
9/15: DOT Day-Wear polka dots!
9/25: No school
10/17: Early Release
10/20: 1st Book Project Due
10/27: Fall Party
10/30: No school

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